About Us
FC Resources (Hong Kong) Limited (Employment Agency number: 69739) established in April 2013, it is registered as a Social Enterprise since 2017. It aims at supporting the less privileged groups in Hong Kong such as Ethnic Minorities and New Arrivals to ease into the mainstream society through industry related training and job placement. As one of the first batch of successful projects funded by the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Development Fund) in which groups of Ethnic Minority candidates were trained the contact centre industry training series; provided with job practice sessions with some being recruited for full time job employment, FC Resources (Hong Kong) Limited is committed to uncovering the untapped potential of the local less privileged groups; develop them into valuable manpower resources to support the growth and on-going manpower requirement of the local business.
As one of the substantial developments of FC Resources, also to create more job opportunities for citizen who are suffered from the pandemic, we support local technology company to develop huge volume voice data in Cantonese, Mandarin, English for machine learning.

Mission and Vision
To provide suitable talent to manpower market of Hong Kong!